After thousands of man-hours and hundreds of laboratory experiments, Advanced Nutrients has just released their newest 3-Part base nutrient formula for growers of all levels called Jungle Juice.
With this breakthrough formula, your plants get all the nutrients they need, exactly when they need them…
Jungle Juice Micro: starts your plants off right and gives them the foundation they need by feeding them high-quality Nitrogen, Iron, Calcium, and other trace elements in the precise amounts our high-profit plants demand…
Jungle Juice Grow: provides the Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and secondary minerals necessary for the types of plants we grow to THRIVE during the all-important vegetative phase… and…
Jungle Juice Bloom: gives your plants the Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur they need to bloom big and juicy buds and give you the maximum yield!